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Old 11-14-2003, 12:42 PM   #20
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: St. James, MO
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My truck is not a hobby: it's my daily driver and my work truck. Therefore, the money I spend on it is family budget money, just like the money that gets spent on my wife's Blazer or any of the other cars she's owned. When it's time for big-ticket items, we suck it up and pay as the paychecks come in or we wait for things like Tax Refunds.

Right now, I'm just about to finish the current round of work, and I've been paying on the bill all along the process. I hope to have very little to pay off here at the end.
'69 Longstep K-10: 327/SM465/T-221/Closed Knuckle Dana44/12-bolt.
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