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Old 03-23-2013, 11:15 PM   #168
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Re: POLL: Holley? Q-jet? or Edelbrock? Let's finish this once and for all!!!!

Originally Posted by richards72chevy View Post
Yeah im trying to deciede what carb I want.My main concern is cold weather driveability.I called summit racing he said any carb will do as long as it has a choke and vacuum secondaries.I replaced the holly on 72 a few years ago with a qjet and had nothing but problems wth it.
If you notice above, there is no clear winner among the voters. This is probably one of those questions that can never really be answered as each of the choices has their advantages.

With that being said, my old 72 had a 350 and a 1406 Edelbrock. Once I replaced the 160 degree thermostat with the correct 195 and got the choke adjusted, it ran great. Before that it did not and I thought it was carburetor problems when it was the thermostat all along.
Currently truckless, previous trucks:

67 K20, 87 K10 aka V10 & 72 C10
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