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Old 03-24-2013, 08:45 AM   #240
78K & 79C Jimmys
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Re: looking at a 78 jimmy

Originally Posted by T.Rokk View Post
I am having problems with my gauges for my 79 High Sierra Jimmy, The lights have all been replaced yet they keep going out, Not to mention she is starting to make a few whining noises when I turn?
I've found the best is to have it out,and apart
1.check all copper paths are straight,use crazy glue ,if any are loose
2.remove and check each bulb (meter it) make the contacts go down and under
3.i give each socket contact,a rub with very fine sandpaper
4.confirm the socket hole is clean,i'll use my finger,thumb to pry/bring up the socket contact to the board that turns in the hole,feel the little lock bump on each hole
5.even tho i might have seen the bulb looks good i test each one after socket inserted too
6.confirm with meter each path is good,you use one (you know is good) bulb ,move it around
7.I also bend to retension the gauge clips ,and then sandpaper to clean contacts
8.with the cluster out,meter the grey(is +),black is neg,turn the dial,meter should swing smooth,if it drops,the dimmer part of the headlight switch is burnt,replace the headlight switch of the the best things to do is to paint the housing white while totally apart,
I used what i had,
gloss white rust spray,
dosn't take much,but the end result it worth the time

hope it helps,let me know
1978 GMCJimmy4X4-350/203
1979 GMCJimmy4X2-305/350
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