Thread: Macs' last ride
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Old 03-24-2013, 12:00 PM   #14
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Re: Macs' last ride

This is the truck me and my son are going to use for right now

Another shot

Here is one of the cabs we are going to use for a future crewcab

Here is another cab for the future build.

In total, we got 1 complete truck, a 55 cab, 58 cab, another short box without fenders, 9 total doors, drivers front and 2 drivers rear fenders. Oh ya, TWO titles.

Don't pay attention to the dates on the pictures, just changed the batteries in the camera before taking them. They were taken this morning.
Life is not ment to show up at the grave in a well preserved body....but to show up in a well worn out body, sliding in sideways yelling, "WHAT A HELL OF A RIDE !!!!!"
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