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Old 03-24-2013, 05:14 PM   #1
Pav's 85
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 19
Improving Handling with a Lowering Kit

Hey folks,

I am currently completing my third year of mechanical engineering at Lake Superior State University and I am seeking some assistance for a project in my Vehicle Dynamics Class. I decided to choose a project topic that would benefit me during the restoration of my 1985 C-10. The focus of my project is to determine which static lowering components (drop spindles, drop springs, rear spring hangers and shackles, etc.) or combinations of will improve vehicle handling performance the most. The vehicle of choice for this particular experiment is a 1973 to 1987 model year, General Motors half-ton, two-wheel drive, shortbox fleetside pickup truck. Unfortunately, my truck will not be completed before this project is due so no real life testing will be conducted. Instead I will be utilizing CarSim software to dynamically model my truck performing rollover and double lane change maneuvers. I will be using the truck's stock configuration as a baseline for comparison purposes. I have gathered quite a bit of information from the GM Heritage Center's Vehicle Information Packages. However,there are a few outstanding parameters I need to gather before I can begin and I am seeking assistance from forum members. These outstanding parameters include:

- Center of Gravity Height
- Rear Axle Assembly Weight
- Front Coil Spring Stiffness
- Rear Leaf Spring Stiffness

Any insight or suggestions you can provide are greatly appreciated. Once the experiment is complete I plan on sharing the results.


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