Staying motivated?
I figured this would be the place to vent.
After I sold my s10, I bought my 87 4x4 around a year ago. Great truck drive-train wise, strong 350 never had a lick of problems, she needed a bed and some fenders I figured what the hell no prob on that fix.
Im pretty sure some of you guys have had the same luck as I have, It seems every time I do something positive to the truck, something worse happens to it!
It all started with the fender, replaced it, then neutral safety switch went out, thank god I found this website(found out how to diagnose it here).
Replaced the bed, sending unit went out, was fine since we have been slow on work ill just run on the passenger tank alone (dual tank truck). Then the passenger tank sending unit went out!
Well all that was fine replaced without a problem, I really got into the truck once I started replacing seeing yalls pictures, just gave me more ideas of how I wanted my square to look!
replaced the grill with a billet, took off the ugly last owners botched up brush guard, found a very nice original bumper with push bumpers, replaced chrome piece that runs the square of the grill. I primered the truck out, she was really coming together!
Well, I let a buddy of mine barrow her the other day to haul his boat the the lake since his truck is in the shop. Welp he ended up hitting a horse on the way there.
Completely demolished the front end, Grill, Bumper, Hood, both Fenders, Radiator,and put some nice dents in the driver side, including the door and bed, of course no-one would own up the the horse being theirs.
So now im struck replacing it all over again, just once it got to finally starting the look how I wanted her to.
So I guess my question is, I mean what do you guys do to stay motivated when stuff just goes down the drain? I mean I love the truck to death, But damn does it suck to have to do it all again!