Thread: My '59 Apache
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Old 03-25-2013, 12:23 AM   #345
Clarance J
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Re: My '59 Apache

Hi Denee007. First, thanks for the pictures of the parts and your install. I was going to put my windwings in but still had to replace all the rubber and seals etc, but after seeing the videos, the kit, and your install I will start my plans for the new side glass. I knew there was a reason I kept those old rusted out doors. The bottoms are gone but all the tracks and division bars are in good shape. There is a glass shop not to far from my house and I'll start by checking glass prices. I'll make a pattern and take it to them. They did the install of my windshield and did a nice job so I''l go back to them. With the old parts I have all I should need is the glass and sweepers. I like your build and will be watching until its finished. And the fun continues.
You have to have patiences or you'll be one.
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