Thread: 1949-50 3100
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Old 03-25-2013, 08:12 PM   #25
Hollister Road Co.
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Re: 1949-50 3100

Got some news from the blaster today, none of it good. From what he said the patch job we thought was roofing tar and undercoating was actually Rhino lining and hes having a heck of a time getting it off without warping the panels. Its everywhere, frame, fenders, Wheel houses, under the cab. The right door was half bondo, the bed sides had holes in them from rust and rot through that was bondo'd up. I am so glad I didn't try to do that job in house, what a mess that must be making at his shop, of course he did adjust his blasting price accordingly, we are at $1800 now and I think I'm glad to pay it from what I hear. I'll post pictures Wednesday of what it looks like blasted clean.
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