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Old 03-26-2013, 02:27 PM   #18
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Posts: 29
Re: 20 mpg hijack thread

Somewhat removed but still on topic.....

To get good mileage leave you're tailgate on and latched closed. Tests showed that removing the tailgate, leaving it down, or replacing it with a net all reduced performance. Turns out a cushion of turbulent air builds up in the bed and acts like a cap to improve aerodynamics at speed. You could also just go with a full cap for the same effect, but the one nature provides doesn't cost anything and weighs less.

Another thing that helps is to put skid plates under the truck. Any time you can cover a rough surface like a transfer case or a transmission with a smooth plate it helps. The more the air can slide along the surface the less resistance it will impart on the vehicle. Some people in the racing world will actually put sheet metal across the entire underside of their vehicles to provide the least wind resistance. From underneath it looks like someone unrolled a 20' roll of aluminum and screwed it to the bottom of the framerails.
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