Thread: Garage/Shops
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Old 11-15-2003, 03:07 AM   #37
Half a bubble off!
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Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Winfield, Ks, USA
Posts: 5,588
Are those naked boobies I see by your toolbox???
LOL! Randy asked me about that yesterday too. Like I told him, naked boobies help a tool do its' best work. It was either that or "I work better within sight of naked boobies." LOL!!!

There are some pleasures in life, one of which is admiration of the ideal feminine physique, and I admire that attribute in a woman!
When I was 16, I had to keep those pictures hidden, now I put 'em where I damn well please. It's my shop, so anyone that doesn't like it can stay out, hehee!
Just call me LB.
'71 Cheyenne, 402BB, hauls blondes, brunettes, or redheads.
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