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Old 03-26-2013, 11:42 PM   #6
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Re: Wire Harness Questions.

wiring is something you'd want to do after the frame swap and body work.
it would be difficult to wire a truck and then remove the harness to pull the body apart and swap frames.

when you get to it... it is the zen part of putting your truck together.
you will understand how your truck works better than any time before, you will have intimate knowledge of every wire in your truck.
you will have a better understanding of how your blinkers work and where the stop light circuit feeds in and out of the multifunction switch.
your headlight switch will make sense, no longer will it be a bunch of wires coming out of a chunk of stuff.
get a ezwire harness, they are decent quality and cheap. 12 circuit if your basic, 21 if your adding power: seats, windows, alarm system, cruise and all the other goodies.
cool, an ogre smiley Ogre's 58 Truk build

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