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Old 03-27-2013, 12:33 AM   #2
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Re: which is better?

Not to bag on control arms, but I have felt spindles to be the better package.

The issue with control arms is they move everything up lets say 4 inches, and it seems like almost all the time you get some bump steer in some degree.

On my 07 new style I used 3 inch drop arms, 2.5 drop spindles, and drop shocks. To correct the bump steer I used bolts, and heim joints. I drove fairly aggressively, and barley noticed anything. I will say it could of been the springs, but I never messed with the set up after installation.

Spindles only move the relation up 2.5-3 inches, and maybe another 2 with drop springs or 1/2 what arm will typically do.
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