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Old 03-27-2013, 08:13 AM   #3
Boss hawg
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Heber Springs, Arkansas
Posts: 75
Re: Choosing air suspension

But with shock waves will I only be able to set it down when stationary? With the ride height at a decent height for say... Speed bumps or what not will I still be able to ride low. It doesn't seem there are many options on the height you ride around on them cause apparently everything could and it does cause damage and is non warrantable according to what ridetechs information says. Im having a really difficult time explaining exactly what I'm picturing I guess. The only video I've seen of how much up and down was a Tahoe on 26s and it was jacked up like a sky scraper with them air and looked sorta normal without.... But he wouldn't have been able to drive with it at its normal stance cause the the bump stops in the bag would hit from what I read. They are awful expensive to be buying just to see if they will work or not. If I had a little more info I would be fine with pulling the trigger probably. And I have emailed ridetech and explained the same thing asking what their suggestions were and the only response I got was "we don't offer a kit for corvette, it would have to be custom"..... after me saying it would be custom.
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