I just found out about this 'suspension marketplace' area here on the forum.
I figure if I didn't know anything about it for the last year or so... some of you don't either.
I also included a link to the Review Board and the long standing 'Vendors Marketplace.'
gO eXplore!
p.s. I added it to
the 60-66 FAQ, section 1
Review Board here on the forum is a place where folks can discuss good deals or bad deals, excellent customer service or terrible customer service... and everything in between. The
Review Board covers Member Dealings, Vendors Reviews & Product Reviews. It is a good place to do research, before you put your money down.
Be sure to stop by the
Vendors Marketplace from time to time, as the Supporting Vendors have sales on items, new product offerings... or sometimes they ask for advice about products they are considering producing.
Suspension Marketplace - Due to an overwhelming increase of Vendors that cater to our trucks suspension needs, we now have the Suspension Marketplace. This Vendors forum is located within the
Suspension Forum and allows our supporting Vendors to post their
Suspension Related, Forum Specials in an area specific to your needs.