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Old 03-29-2013, 10:25 AM   #10
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Re: Steering Column Question??

Originally Posted by mr48chev View Post
Can't hide from anyone around this place.

I finally found the May issue of Custom Classic Trucks at Fred Meyers today and lo and behold there on page44 is an article on that steering box. It would be nice if they showed how they modified the steering shaft to work rather than just assuming that people knew what they did.

That is an interesting setup for guys who want power steering with their I beam axle or want power steering on a 4x4 conversion on one of these trucks.

Youngrestorer I'm thinking that you could pull the steering shaft out of a mid 70's non tilt pickup (or GM car) column and use it in your column tube to have a shaft that would be easier to work with on the bottom end. I've got some junk columns at home, I'll see if I can take one apart and take some photos .
I hadden't thought about it but maybe a later bearing and retainer could be grafted to the stock column. Like you said use a later shaft and get the correct splines on both ends.

My GMC build.
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