Originally Posted by buildinga55
The kit came with the spacer and if you use it in its shipped form, it is preloading the MC about 3/8", meaning the plunger on the MC is pushed in 3/8" with no pedal pressure. I have never heard of that, I have always read you should have just a slight amount of play at that point. I have tried the spacer at its normal length and cut down, still no brakes. I have bench bled the MC, used the gravity bled method, used the vacuum method and still cant get a decent pedal that will stop the truck.
The new hole in the brake pedal does sound reasonable as i have had to do that before, but this kit really came with no instructions. Just the booster brackets and MC
After all the above, I believe pressure-bleeding will cure the problem completely.
Re: drilling a new hole: As I see it, drilling that hole does more for pedal-feel than anything else. All else equal, its geometry makes the eventual push on the mc more difficult; this difficulty is offset by the booster; w/o the new hole, braking is really 'too easy'; with the new hole, the feel is more natural. But my experience, when adding power brakes, has shown NO better braking either with or without the new hole.
Please let us know--esp. since I've never had to resort(just lucky, I guess) to that technique. Should yours work, as have several before you, I will be even more-nearly convinced. Might invest in a pressure-bleeding system. Seems like it could even make the job easier for a one-man operation.