Also, on the same note, I see a lot of younger, less experienced enthusiasts inquiring about these "el cheapo" rebuilds (whether from AZ, Kragen or whoever). Think about it this way. Just because these engines are cheap, it doesn't mean the retailers don't still make a healthy proffit margin off of them. How does this happen? They use sub-standard "new" parts, combined with poor quality machine work (in some cases NO machine work

) and some that i've seen, appeared as if they were thrown together by a 1st year comm. college kid, with rod fillets facing in the WRONG DIRECTION, pistons installed backwards (notch facing rearwards), incredibly under/over torqued, different head casting numbers, etc. I'm not trying to dissuade anyone from trying to get a bargain, just to make them try to understand
why they're getting one. True bargains can be found, but they are VERY few and far between.