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Old 04-01-2013, 08:42 PM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: berryville, Ar
Posts: 58
I found a 72 highlander

Hello all. I found a 72 c10 a few weeks ago. After talking to the owner...he forgot he even owned it, I grabbed it for $200 for parts for my 69. While looking at the spid, I found 2 codes I didn't know anything I looked them up. YG6 special promotion. package and Z62 custom deluxe equipment. After some research I found the Highlander package. That explains the weird plaid seat. I'm rethinking. cutting it up. I know there are no hard and fast production numbers, but is this truck worth building? I don't have pics now and its rough. I was thinking of doing my 69 as a 72 clone anyway and now maybe recreate the highlander.
I had never heard of the highlander before and was wondering what you guys think. Ill post pics next time I get to where the truck is. Chris
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