Thread: Header advice
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Old 04-03-2013, 01:26 AM   #15
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Re: Header advice

I can you all that after installing 4 different sets and styles of header gaskets, I have now have found the BEST style and brand on the market. Tried Coppers, Aluminums, paper/metal combo's............Dont wast your $20-$50 on these. You will love your headers once you use RimFlex gaskets. They cost about $45 for SBC's. Simple two time tightening of the bolts and they wont back out again.
Tighten header bolts after installing working from middle 2 bolts first. Once all are engine up to 180 degrees.....shut it off, and re-tighten IF loosened up...MINE DIDNT. Been on for 3 weeks and and rechecked before every time I get it out, and so far not once had the loosened up.
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