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Old 04-03-2013, 06:26 PM   #4
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Re: Truck sits unlevel after lift

So, while looking for a picture of my truck with the lift on it, I came across a picture of it before the lift. I guess I just never noticed the rear squat before the lift.
Think this is just caused by wear on the rear spring? Just seems an awful lot to drop. They must've dropped 4 inches from factory (more if this truck had any factory rake, not sure if they did tho)

After the lift: 35's with 6 in. suspension
Name:  IMAG1602.jpg
Views: 397
Size:  25.9 KB

Before the lift: 33's with stock half ton suspension
Name:  IMAG1162.jpg
Views: 350
Size:  50.1 KB
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