Thread: Old car city
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Old 04-04-2013, 12:38 AM   #9
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Re: Old car city

No telling how many old trucks & cars are in the woods rusting away, I know of a few here in south Georgia, the folks won't sell because they think they are either worthless or worth a ton of money or they plan to restore/fix-up one day. When my wife & I started dating in the early 80's, her dad had a 72 Cheyenne, 350, factory air, nice truck, everything still there, the transmission was slipping so he parked it since he had other trucks to use, I asked him about selling it to me, he said he was going to fix it. Guess what? it didn't move for 25 years, it was dark green when he parked it, when he finally sold it for junk you couldn't even tell what color it was. He had some timber cut & one of the workers talked him into selling that truck & a few more that he had parked over the years. He said he figured I wouldn't still want it since it was worthless. (That's what he thought). I know he had that 72 Cheyenne, a 70 Chevelle, 75 Malibu, 56 Ford truck, and a couple of old Dodge trucks, he never traded vehicles, he just parked them with intentions of using them for 2nd & 3rd vehicles. Me or my wife has never asked him what he got out of all those old vehicles but I bet it wasn't much. Man I wanted that Cheyenne. Sorry for such a long post.
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