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Old 04-04-2013, 12:41 PM   #1
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Quick Fuel pump assembly question!

So, do to time constraints and not knowing exactly how I want my new tank set up (PWM, or internally regulated, etc) I'm going to mod my stock tank for the time being. I have a 2003 silverado (that's what is written on the side from the salvage yard anyway)fuel pump module. I don't believe it is PWM, right? Can I just hook up power to the pump---->run athe high pressure line out to the c5 fuel filter pressure regulator----> run the return back to the fuel pump module return inlet----> and run the single line from the Fuel filter pressure regulator to the returnless fuel rail on the engine?
Will this provide enough pressure for my 2008 6.2 l92 motor? Does the 6.2 require more pressure or the same?
If that all will work, what do I do with the third outlet on the fuel pump module? The one that goes to an eval cannister? Do I cap it or just leave it alone?

I'm basically going to cut a round hole in the top of my poly blazer tank, drill holes on the edge of the metal flange of the fuel pump module make a gasket, and screw it into the top of the tank. Maybe a little ghetto, but it should work for awhile until I can get the new tank built.
Thanks guys!
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