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Old 04-04-2013, 02:12 PM   #105
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Re: 56 shop truck build

my wife can do a little bit of everything. I've pretty much done all of the grunt work on this truck by myself because she works shift work, but when we're on days off together she's in the shop with my the entire time. She spent most of the day yesterday cleaning up all the tools I had scattered across the shop from doing 4 different little jobs at 1 time.
I've had help from a really great hot rod friend on this project too. He built the engine for this truck and handled getting the tranny mated up and ready to install. A very knowledgable guy when it comes to every aspect of mechanics and some one I can call on for a hand at any time.
My name's Tim and I'm a truckaholic

My 56 Chevy shop truck build
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