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Old 04-04-2013, 08:10 PM   #6
Truck Guy99
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Elk City, OK
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Re: Hell of a Problem, 2WD or 4WD?

Weight difference is a decent chunk, but not so bad it makes a stellar difference. About 1 to 3 mpg depending on drivng habits. But if your driving across the country or a LOT of local driving that adds up, so use your gut on that one. Also if you ever need to get some grunt for a heavy load to start moving, the 4 low is nice to have. Not to mention the c notch thing on the other one. If you ever need to go down a dirt road with a dually after it rains, the 4x4 is VERY handy. Just engage it about once per month or so and keep it all lubricated. If the gooseneck in the 4x4 is in good shape, just buy an adapter that mounts on the trailer. It looks like a tube with a coupler and some bolts. If you buy the adapter that goes in the truck bed, it just takes up a bunch of bed area. I would go 4x4.

But if you ever gotta go through montains, injection is more balanced and less stuff to keep balanced.

Use your gut on this one and let us know!
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