Re: My attempt at fender repair
Thanks all! Got my fender pretty much complete. I need to sand blast the inside to make it 100% clean. I went to take some pictures but the dang batteries are dead and I don't have any more right now. Pretty proud of how the fender turned out.
How picky are you guys about the dent removal on body panels? I can take a 3" scotch bright pad type thing on my die grinder and it comes out smooth. The fender started out like it was hit with buck shot once the bondo was removed. Now that the dents are removed, you can still feel a very very slight uneveness about it when you run your bare hand over it. Maybe a shrinking disk will fix that. I don't know if I should continue to work at it or now move to a high build primer or something like that to smooth everything out. I will post some pictures to show you all where I'm at. To me, the amount of filler I would need in some places would be about the thickness of a sheet of paper maybe. Don't know if I'm being too anal or just leave it as is and move on.
What do ya think?