Thread: cross member
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Old 04-06-2013, 10:21 PM   #7
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Re: cross member

I figured I would do some Z while I was at it. Currently I am going to section the cross member for 1.5 inch drop, and at least 2 out of the frame Z.

My wife is all over hell, and back on the issue of the truck. She agree's that I can rebuild the suspension, and get new tires. As I have 3 different tires on my truck because of 2 blow outs. My original plan was to try for a Jag rear, and light duty front end. With a 90's Camaro rear as a back up plan. Now she's adamant it has to stay 8-lug, and can't be 5 lug.

But she is fine with my idea of cutting the frame for a drop, converting to a short bed, getting a different cross member for time sake, plus extra parts, and another rear end for better gears. Yet going 5 lug is a crime.
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