04-08-2013, 12:56 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: anaheim ca
Posts: 16
Re: i need help with a few questions
Originally Posted by NEWFISHER
Well, I would get it running, get it up to temp a few times and see if you have any leaks. Address them as they come. I would also replace all hoses and belt(s) , thermostat, valve cover gasket, vacuum line, fuel lines and filter etc.
Generator is fine if you don't plan on adding a bunch of stereo gear or accesories. Make sure you lube the bushing through the port provided on top if you have that style.
Plug gap .040
I spend the few bucks and have the pro's at the glass shop pull and install mine. I have ruined plenty of windshield stainless in my life.
Do not pull more than 2 leaves! Even with 2 pulled, it will sag over time and still won't be low enough for you. Get a dropped axle system with steering from Sid at wwwdroppedaxles.com and be done.
I would get. It running, change the trans filter and fluid and drive it. Mabey an output seal if its been sitting that long too.
7 will require flipping the axle ontop of the springs and blocks or mono and a notch. You could also 4 link it.
Clean it with CLR. And Ospho, avoid getting them on the glass. Use a red scotchbrite pad to rub it down. No need to sand it after the treatment and scotchbrite. Add some flattner to the clear unless you like the shiney patina look.
Become a paid member here, use the search feature for all of your topics as they have all been brought up in many threads. You will get others takes on these questions much faster and find what works for you and your budget.
Good luck, post some pics and Welcome!
Posted via Mobile Device
thanks for the info, ill deff do soo... excellent info u provided