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Old 04-10-2013, 03:01 PM   #1
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47 AD Rear Cab Mount

I hope I can get some insight on how and what to do to improve my existing rear cab mount. I understand GM went to a two trunion cab support in '49 because the single centered approach used in 47 & 48 was over stressing the cab sheetmetal where it is attached.
Does anyone have a picture of the original assembly viewed from inside the cab. In mine, the trunion is clearly visible because the sheet metal is torn off completely. There looks like there once was a box like assemby that enclosed it and kept the weather out. I am looking to re-enclose the trunion after I replace the bushings and beef up the attach point so it won't tear out in the future.
Anyone have pictures of a surviver that you can post.

Thanks for any help.
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