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Old 04-11-2013, 08:47 AM   #3
in deep 72
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Re: Need radiator, clutch and fan but have questions.

I put a champion all aluminum radiator in my 72 Blazer. You can pick up a 3 core off Ebay for about $200 or $250 for a 4 core. They were out of 4's when I got mine and had to settle for a 3 core. The only reason I wanted 4 is I'm running a 468BB and wanted all the cooling I could get. The mistake I made was adding 2 12" electric fans right to the radiator without a shroud. Cooled fine while moving, but overheats when sitting still.....That's my project for this week. Cut out some aluminum on a waterjet and making a new shroud with 2 16" electrics. Might look a bit rough, but it's tough to fit 2 16" circles in a space that's 17"x29".

Old setup:

New shroud:
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