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Old 04-12-2013, 03:17 PM   #1
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Sanderson CC11 headers

Has anyone got these to work? Sanderson claims they should work, but every vehicle is a little bit different. I have about a 1/4" clearance to the engine mount bracket on the driver's side, the passenger side touches on my 'test fit', will get worse after bolts are snugged (maybe 1/4" interference).

It's the 'bulge' of the bracket that's in the way. How much clearance is ideal/minimal? Does anyone know of some brand with more header clearance? Or engine mounts that sit the whole engine maybe 1/2" higher? If so, is it an 'easy swap', i.e. lift the engine slightly to replace without a removal? I'm a machinist, thinking of making my own, but don't want a time consuming project if there's an easy fix I'm overlooking.

Here's the side that is o.k., but you can see where the tube is close. That's where the problem is at on the other side.
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