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Old 04-12-2013, 06:36 PM   #8
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Re: New shroud or switch to electric fan?

Originally Posted by Gene View Post
So which fan is the better option? The Lincoln fan or the Jeep fan? Will the Mark 8 fan mount in the stock shroud like the Jeep fan will? And what would it hurt to not use a relay and simply wire to an ignition on source and run all the time?
The Lincoln Mark8 fan comes with its own shroud. I dont much about a jeep fan. We have wiped out our yards up here of all fans from Lincoln Mark8's.
As far as running a fan all the time, its not good to do. An engine needs to have a particular operating range to run efficiently. I know a Vortec runs perfect at 150-175. If you run full time you will cool too fast and draw on your power source as well. I have it set to come on at 155 and will cool it down to 120 quickly. This is all a mechanical fan clutch does. The fan may turn all the time but its at a free spin until the clutch heats up to a certain degree and then grips the fan to pull more air.
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