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Old 04-12-2013, 10:27 PM   #6
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Re: rear trailer arm coil spring ????

Originally Posted by Reyals Bemus View Post
You can't cut the rear coils like you can the front coils. This is because the rear coil springs have pig-tail ends on BOTH ends. If you cut coils off of either end, it won't be able to bolt to the frame or trailing arms. People have done this and lived with it though. The best option is to order a pair of quality drop springs, such as those sold by ECE.

You can cut them just have to figure a way to hold the top of the spring, even though i know a number of guys with daily drivers that just cut them and run them bolted to the trailing arms and nothing holding them to the frame and never have had a problem,but for safety concerns id never suggest it, I did it on two of my trucks and just used a u-bolt from the hardware store to hold the spring on top to the frame....but that does require you to drill some holes in the frame.
Timmy D.

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