Originally Posted by Vernski
I agree with Jeff, I don't think it's written anywhere that you have to have a certain year truck. So you can always post a comment in 60-66 forum also...Vernski 
Thanks again for all the kind comments.Vernski i made two trips to spokane in the last 6 weeks which is more than i do generally in 6 months but i forgot your number at home both times but i have it in my wallet now so i will call the next time i'm through.
i took some quick pictures between snow showers today i'll post.
This truck was raffled off last fall by one of our non profit automotive tech schools and everything was donated for the cause. the body was done by a very professional body shop in town, brand new wheels and tires, both diffs resealed,brakes and a restored interior along with line x in the box and a new tool box so actually it's a pretty nice ride.