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Old 04-13-2013, 07:02 PM   #9
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Re: Factory split Rims?

Originally Posted by factorystock View Post
Looks like one of my past posts word for word. Actually, the term "split rim" I used is not really accurate. Its the term most people use when they see these rims. The correct term for the pickup truck multi piece rims should be "lock ring" wheels. "Split rim" wheels are a design where two pieces come together in the center of the rim. "split rim" wheels are usually found on 1 1/2 and 2 ton trucks.Yes, the "split rim" design is a bad one (never used on pickups) and no longer manufactured. The lock ring wheel, the 2 piece version, was not considered a bad design and still used up until 1975 on Chevy 3/4 ton pickups.The 2 piece lock ring wheel is not uncommon on large dump trucks and garbage trucks even today.The lock ring 3 piece version ( shown in photo above in original torquiose paint) is obsolete and unncecessary for any 1/2 ton or 3/4 ton pickup.
did you use the name "fourcoils" on c/talk ,2008. that is who wrote it
same fellow also wrote the following 2
I believe the 8-19.5 would be perfect for all 3/4 tons. The wheel is hard to find, but the tires are not.It is listed in sales brochures as the optional maximum size. Unforunately,the buying public at the time did not feel it was necessary to spend the extra money.It is a common size in commercial trucks today.It is period correct and has clips for original hubcaps. It is a very tall narrow tire that helps reduce freeway rpms on low geared c 20s.
All 3/4 ton wheels up to 1968 used clips for hubcaps. In 1969, the wheels were made with bumps for the larger hubcaps.The 16" 2 piece wheel had clips from 66-68, then it had bumps from 69-74.The 16" one piece wheel (bump only) was new around 1974.The 16.5" wheel(aftermarket) had clips from 64-68. Goodyear and Firestone put factory 17.5" centers in wide 16.5 wheel. The 16.5" GM wheel used from 69 to mid 80's used bumps.It would be great to see the aftermarket create a 16" 1 piece wheel with a factory 17.5" center with clips.This would allow 48-68 3/4 ton owners to run hubcaps on a popular easy to find tires.Not all of us want to run mag wheels that drastically changes the character of the vehicle.With the thousands of styles of wheels out there, it is odd this is not available.
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