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Old 04-14-2013, 03:10 AM   #9
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Re: The blazer, keeping it, beginning to restore, need some help.

Originally Posted by truckster View Post
Can you tell where it's leaking? The most common place is the top corners by the windshield frame. That's why Chevy put the drip deflectors there - those are the black plastic pieces that are screwed to the windshield frame and the top. If they're in good shape, you might try removing them and reinstalling them with a bead of black RTV between the deflector and the body.

There are a lot of places a Blazer can leak, but if you can determine where the water is coming from it makes it easier to deal with. Right now (since I've replaced my door seals and drip deflectors) mine is leaking right where the top joins the bed rail. I'll have to get new seals for it when I put the top on later this year.
Yes. I'm pretty sure it is coming in between that exact area. But I can tell the passenger side window is not fully sealed at the top, this may be because its not sitting properly in place. I think im just going to go ahead and have the workers at my buddy's farm remove the rust and replace with panels I provide, since looking at the panels online theyre pretty damn cheap. Right now I'm looking at rockers for both sides, inner rockers, and front floor pans for both sides. I'll take some pics of the cancer tomorrow, see what you guys think I need possibly. Not sure what the front right inner wall area would be replaced with(theres a nice hole there where the floor meets the inner right side). I just want the rust completely gone, and I don't think some sealant is gonna fix that. After the panels I'll just be looking at the price of cheap, good labor done by some good family friends. All in all im thinking it won't cost me nearly as much as I had expected. Now paint will be another story .

Last edited by Dclassen; 04-14-2013 at 03:28 AM.
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