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Old 04-14-2013, 04:13 PM   #3
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Re: has anyone swapped a complete roof ?

When I chopped my '49 cab I drilled all the spot welds inside the door frame, removing the roof skin from the framework. Gave me a good chance to get all that rust out from under the seam too. Not sure if your door frames are damaged as well, but with the correct bracing in place it could be benificial. That would eliminate a lot of potential for flex, and bending the cab out of shape when you do the swap. Then you'd only have to clamp the "new" skin in place and plug weld through the holes.

Most important things to keep in mind: this should be done with the cab mounted to the frame, on a KNOWN level surface and brace the cab so its good and strong. Nice metalwork is junk if the doors won't close when its put back together.
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