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Old 04-15-2013, 11:23 AM   #36
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Re: Help with tire size dropped axle Sub/Truck

Originally Posted by focusedontheprize View Post
How does it drive Fish?
Better than ever (have one front wheel with too much run out and can not be balenced--grrrr) Other than 40-52 mph it's great. I have had the Hancook/Hurst Racing tires on other builds and they are very smooth, track well, handle well and just feel comfortable driving with them. I will never go back to the Coker's.

I think doubleing the contact patch has killed a couple mpg's, but they feel waaaaaay safer all around. Road tripped 75 mph for 120 miles on friday night to get some pinstriping done, pouring rain and no problems-17.5 mpg. On the way home at midnight, 65 mph and a little better mpg's , still raining and rock solid.

I have ordered a 3rd set of caps, this time from Jim Carter Truck parts and hope that they are not made of tin foil like the Wheelsmiths caps. If they feel good, look good, I am sending them to Wheelsmiths and they will modify them to fit thier wheels. I still have to get them to build another front, send it, check the run out before I paint it ( which you shouldn't have to do) and the mask it, shoot it, dis mount and mount balence it. I wish the WHEEL portion of this upgrade would have gone alot smoother.
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