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Old 04-15-2013, 08:03 PM   #1
Southern Nevada Coal Roller
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Las Vegas NV
Posts: 191
Idea for Tow mirrors Heated and Power.

I am building still in the planning steps for Dually Suburban rebuild. I was planning on taking out the wind wings windows and placing in a 1 piece. Well now I am thinking about a newer chevy HD tow mirrors in place of the triangle windows.

I know that its not in the same lines as old school but function needs to have its place too. Its going to be the family truckster and tow a boat and work trailer here and there.

Its going to be trial and error but I think it will be sweet. I am open to ideas, I am leaning toward a chevy tow mirrors but I like the super duty tow mirrors too.

What do you all think?


72 Suburban, 1 ton dodge chassis 4wd cummins, DTT 47rh 89%, PDR VE 3200 spring, PODS, Piers Turbo.

36 Chevy P/U rat rod project. 4bta cummins
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