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Old 04-15-2013, 09:01 PM   #9
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Re: Has anyone converted 63 rear drum to 65 rear drum hardware

In case a GMC owner reads this thread sometime in the future, here’s a bit of information I learned adding self adjusters to my 1960. For the most part I just bought the later self adjuster kits and bolted everything together. I did discover I needed the later shoes as they had a required extra hole not present on my 1960 shoes.

The difficult part of the project was trying to replace the original rusted emergency brake cables. Being a GMC with a Dana 44 rear end, the emergency brake cables did not have conventional spring fingers to attach the cables to the backing plates. They had special brackets attached to the cables that bolted to a rather large odd shaped hole in the backing plates. I searched hundreds of cars in wrecking yards (mostly Fords, Jeeps, and Mopars) looking for Dana 44 backing plates of a similar shape but having a normal round hole to insert the e-brake cable. I never found any that would fit on the 1960 GMC/Dana rear end housing. Ultimately I had my son fabricate custom brackets that were bolted to the GMC backing plates that allowed normal Chevy cables to be installed.
My Build Thread:
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