Seat belts are downright pricey! When I bought the Tahoe seat, I also bought the seat belts from the same vehicle, I think was 50 bucks per side, and one isn't working very well! Dan, dear, the ONLY safety feature we're going to have are safety belt/s

. With geek butts out ther on their cell phones texting and probably giving no regard to old trucks, 200 doesn't sound so bad

not to mention the metal dashes in our trucks, I'd hate to kiss my dash under dire circumstances!
Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena
Sqrlnts, Where did you source your seat belts? I've been watching Craigslist for trucks/SUV's being parted out but so far no luck. Yes, I've looked at Juliano's and others but I'd really like to avoid spending $200.
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