Thread: Macs' last ride
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Old 04-17-2013, 02:30 PM   #18
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Re: Macs' last ride

Got a few minutes here so I will explain the build. It started as a '74 Chevy crew cab dually with plans on being fully bagged out. When I bought this truck I was looking for a '55 Chevy truck since that was my dads FAVORITE truck (yes another tribute truck but it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be building) but couldn't afford one. Found the crew cab sitting at a buddies place and after a few adult beverages we came to a price. So the build started from there, got it running, added a bed, chopped the front springs, took out 12 leafs out of the back and raised the spring hangers fro that lowered looked.
Life was good, drove it a few years that way while gathering parts. I say gathering parts but they were not the usual parts for a square body truck, they were Tri-five parts. Rear fenders for starters were cut and trimmed down to be added to the box to cover the dually wheels. Liked the look but they needed some work so I found another set to rework them and then take the wheel opening and rework the front fenders so the wheel openings would match. Found a couple dashes I was going to graft in for different look inside the cab. Even gathered up a '55 hood that the corners were rotted but it was ok since all I wanted was the center of if for a cowl hood after I Z'ed the frame 3 3/4".
Everybody kept asking me," If you want a '55-'57 so bad, why don't you just build one?" I would tell them," NO MONEY for the right donor rig."
Well as luck would have it, time was a virtue, the right rig should its head. It should up across the street from my shop. The PO was going to build but found another one in better shape. The part about this truck was it came with 2 extra cabs, 9 doors total, another step side bed and more misaligns parts that just keep showing up as he finds them. OH YEA, TWO titles !!!!!!!!!
So know that we are all up to date, let the NEW build begin........
Right now plans are to get it up and running on the '74 dually frame and ENJOY the HELL out of it. Future plans is to start on a new cab build for the frame. Yup, you guest it, a CREW CAB will be in the works over the next few years.
SORRY for the long drawn out post but this way you all know the story behind this build. Well off to work but will post more as progress continues.
Life is not ment to show up at the grave in a well preserved body....but to show up in a well worn out body, sliding in sideways yelling, "WHAT A HELL OF A RIDE !!!!!"
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