Thread: Fake SPID
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Old 04-18-2013, 01:39 PM   #13
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Re: Fake SPID

115" wb and 09 model # = deliberate deception by an uninformed seller. That doesn't mean that this seller is a crook, but it does mean that somewhere in this truck's history, somebody screwed the pooch with intentional deception. Personally, I'd never consider buying such a truck unless I was never, ever going to sell it, Just to avoid the nightmare of trying to sell it like it is, with impossible numbers on the spid. If, however, one had one's heart set on this truck, the very first thing I would do after checking it out in person and figuring out what it really is, is to then order a new spid from chip flyer so it is at least technically correct. And, live with the fact, of course, that When you sell it that you must be upfront with the prospective buyer and tell him it's not the original spid.
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