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Old 04-18-2013, 03:27 PM   #7
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Re: 88' Suburban: Ignition Switch Problems & Location?


Well, I did expect it to, haha.

I replaced the ignition switch and after getting it tightened in the right spot I reconnected the battery and turned the key. Started right up. I tested the 3rd column in the fusebox and got a pretty 14.6v(that's nice to see). operated some of my windows and my Passenger front and middle work fine(albeit a bit slow, probably need to get some lubricant spray on the hinges and track). My Driver's middle didn't work but the glass is cracked so I don't want it to go down currently. I had previously removed my Driver's front motor and regulator. The motor power connector, however, has a full 14v so I have no doubt that will work once I put it back together. I think that motor may be bad though so I may replace it after I test it.

Thanks for the help and encouragement.

Motornut, I just noticed I'm missing two of the nuts holding the steering column mount on. I have two, but your pic shows 4. That metal piece connected to it previously just hanged(I removed it for this). Do you know if I can buy those bolts somewhere?
:: 1988 : GMC : Suburban ::
:: 1/2 Ton : 2WD : 207k mi. ::

Restoring to original
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