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Old 11-18-2003, 11:16 PM   #2
Back from the Dead
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Salem, Oregon
Posts: 522
No matter how simple a kit may be, I would suggest buying the components seperatly instead, it saves you money and you can get exactly what you want. However, You can checkout Air Ride technologies at and they have everything you would need from bags/brackets to air-managment kits.

If you were to buy everything seperatly heres the rundown of what you will need.

*4 Airbags
*Front Brackets-Top Plate, bottom cup
*Rear Brackets-Top and bottom plates(You can also drill a couple holes in your frame and you dont need brackets to mount the bags)
*4 or 8 valves(depending on if you want a 2 or 4 path system)
*Brass Fittings
*Pressure switch
*Misc. Elec. Wiring etc

Thats pretty much the gist of it, I did my truck for a little over $500 by buying the components individually from different sources. I gathered everything i needed before I tore into it, that way I had everyting I needed. I'm just 16 yrs old and was able to do the complete install myself within a weekend without any special tools, these systems are pretty starightforward to put together. If you've got any other questions be sure to ask, theres lots of helpful answers to be found on these messageboards.

The only Carb that matters to me is the one under my hood!

Salem, Oregon
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