Originally Posted by xpickup
Kim57, great job on the hand made tools. I make most of my own because I love to do it and too cheap to buy them. That stinks with your back, it is hell getting old. I am only 38 and am starting to feel it. Back pain stinks, I torqued mine out around Thanksgiving. I came to the realization now that I can not do what I used to do. You just have work smarter with age. I am a slow learner.
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Take care of your back. I have to get help to do things that were no problem before my injury. And like you stated I need to work smarter.
Originally Posted by oldman3
Dan, have to chime in with Kim on doing it in steps. I've been messing with cars and trucks since I was 15. I'm 67 now, have slowed down alot, but still keep plugging away. I've also had back problems for yrs, just have to work around it. I'll get off the soap box for now and turn this back over to Kim's thread, which I enjoy....Jim
I have no problems with these types of conversations. It just seems like old friends BSing in the garage. I also learn a lot from those of you who have been down this road already.