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Old 04-22-2013, 02:43 PM   #2
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Re: Question: 68 20 column in a 66 C10? Will it work?

It's not a bolt in. The mounting location for the column mount under the dash is in a different location between the two generations. I was in this situation a while back when I was looking for an automatic column for my '64, and I had a spare '68 column. I reworked the '68 column by adding the nutplate structure from my old '64 manual column, and the column bolted in. I wound up buying a complete automatic column out of a '65, and the hybrid '64/'68 column wound up getting stashed in my shed.

One thing to remember, though. The '67-up columns are much shorter columns on the firewall side because of the addition of the intermediate shaft between the end of the column and the steering box. The '60-'66 columns are a 1-piece shaft all the way to the steering box. If you want to make a "short" column, you can make a "hybrid" column by using a '67-'72 shaft inside a '60-'66 column housing if you want to add a steering u-joint, some 3'4" D-D shaft, and a rag joint at the steering box.

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