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Old 04-22-2013, 07:04 PM   #16
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Re: does it bother anyone

People who walk around and criticize other folks vehicles are usually trying to impress their buddies with their knowledge. THEY ARE NOT WORTH YOUR TIME! However, if you can't resist, play a little reverse psychology on them. Throw a few really nice compliments at the person making the snide remark. Make it sound sincere (make sure it doesn't sound sarcastic) and say, "Yeah, It's not very nice. It's not as nice as yours over there. Oh, that one over there isn't yours? Is yours here? No? Well, do you have any pictures of yours? No? Well I'm sure if you had one here it'd be much nicer than mine". His friends will probably snicker. You are just passing out compliments. He will probably feel embarrassed as long as you sound sincere. Good acting is the key.
Pride goes before a fall. Plenty of folks on this forum do awesome work and should be proud of their work, but when the work is of high quality it speaks for itself and you don't have to brag about it. People notice and pass out the compliments freely.
My 65 C10 build:

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