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Old 04-23-2013, 12:27 PM   #885
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Re: My 57 Pro Street

Originally Posted by Kim57 View Post
As the coil packs seem to be about the ugliest part of the LS engines I decided to do something about it.
A little time and a little paint and they don't look so bad.
Kinda hard to see in the pics but the bracket is the metallic blue and the packs are metallic grey.
Your engine looks really good.

Not to be a downer, but I once painted a coil silver and had a ton of trouble with it. I chased a mis-fire for days before I realized the wire was arcing to the outside of the coil. When the lights were off, it looked like one of those static electricity balls that have the lightning inside them.

Remember, metallic paint is just that... metallic. Metal and high-voltage are not a good combination in close proximity.

I hope yours is okay.
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