Re: what to do about my neighbor
I have these a$$hole neighbors all around me. One is a drop out musician who inherited his parents place, the other is a flight attendant who is only at her house half the time and the one is on SS disability but miraculously is still able to mow his lawn with a push mower. I cant begin to tell you the stories about harassment to my wife and notes and comments. The next one I get from anyone of them, I plan on telling them that if I keep having problems, I am renting out the house as a low income house and interviewing tenants to pick the lowest class ones I can find.
I told the wife last night that when we did our landscaping, we should have planted yews (type of bush) and trimmed them to look like a middle finger sticking up facing all of them. When people asked what it was we could explain that it is a fock yew! We laughed our asses off. That's all you can do.
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