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Old 04-23-2013, 11:49 PM   #22
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Re: what to do about my neighbor

my neighbor has an exhaust on his v8 truck and it wakes me up at 630 am every single saturday when he leaves for work (other days I am up by then). I dont mind because is an awesome friendly guy AND.. and here is the big AND... he knows his truck is loud and that its early. he idles out of his driveway and idles down the street every single time he leaves the house every single day whether its 630 am or 2 in the afternoon. Not once have I heard him rap it up because it would probably sound amazing, he is respectful of everyone else on the block every time he leaves the house.

Are you?

its easy to throw rocks at the guy who is "fanatical" or a "nazi", but some people think that when they bought the house they paid for the neighborhood. If you rapped it up once, apologize. if you tore ass around the corner once, apologize. try to see his point of view because I tell you, if you have done it even once he did you a huge favor by announcing his intention. I know a hundred guys who would have settled it under cover of darkness instead.

If you havent done anything wrong, shrug. there are all kinds of people in the world and he is just one of them.
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